As per the World Health Organization
many pregnant women experience a mental disorder,
primarily depression.

10% of pregnant women1

13% of women who have just given birth1

In developing countries it is even higher

15.6% women during pregnancy1

19.8% women after child birth1


The American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists recommends universal screening for
depression and anxiety disorders during pregnancy2 .

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A program that complements the obstetrician’s efforts towards optimizing pregnancy outcomes. From planning pregnancy, to birth and beyond, get support from our experts in reproductive mental well-being.

AtEase deploys evidence-based approaches and therapeutic models to address the psychological needs of the pregnancy - for the mother & the family.

What do we offer?

In-person and digital consultations, while maintaining privacy and confidentiality.

Consultation diagram

Individual counselling & therapy

Couples counselling & therapy

Family counselling & therapy

How are you feeling today?

Importance of reproductive emotional health:

Hormonal changes during prenatal and postnatal care can lead to emotional distress

Certain unexpected life events, such as perinatal loss can cause trauma

People with pre-existing mental health conditions are more vulnerable to depression, anxiety or mood disorders

Other stressors - Work-life-balance with a full-time job or financial stress related to raising a child, can affect pregnancy too

When does a patient require support?

Any patient experiencing the following symptoms for a period of 2 weeks or more:

Bouts of anger, sadness,

Lack of interest, change in eating and sleeping habits, trouble concentrating

Thoughts of hopelessness, thoughts of harming the baby or self

Extreme/Irrational worry and fear or panic attacks Or Any patient whose Prenatal Screening for Mental Health (EPDS) scores are above 10

1. Last accessed on 25-3-2021
2. Screening for perinatal depression- Committee opinion, ACOG, 2018, page 2