Preparing ...
Payment Under Process ...
Registration Under Process ...


Program Tracker

Test Kit Id -

  • Status
  • Genetic Test
  • Genetic Counseling
  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Report
  • 1
  • 2
    Kit Dispatch
  • 3
    Kit Activation
  • 4
    Pick Up Request
  • 5
    Genetic Testing
  • 6
    Genetic Counseling
  • 7
    Nutritional Counseling

Congratulations for successfully registering in pregnancy insightome journey.

Kindly buy a kit by clicking 'Buy New Kit' or in case you already have a kit, kindly register it by clicking 'Register Kit'.

Your pregnancy insightome test kit will be assigned shortly.


1 of 7 steps in progress


Your Pregnancy Insightome Test Kit has been dispatched and will arrive at your doorstep shortly. Kindly proceed with Kit Activation once you have recieved it.

Tracking Details are as follows -

  • Courier Partner -



  • Tracking ID -



Courier Partner


Tracking ID


Kindly click below once you recieve your pregnancy insightome test kit

Please enter your test kit barcode to activate your test kit.

2 of 7 steps in progress


Insightome Pregnancy test results provide your Doctor with important information that can help in prevention of at-risk complications by early screening and monitoring signs and symptoms

Please add your doctor's information for better assistance throughout your insightome journey.

After collecting your swab sample, place your swab sample and signed consent form in the Swab Submission Envelope in the Pick up envelope.

Please select a date and pickup address for our delivery executive to pick up the sample from you.

Our courier partner will be at your doorstep between 10AM to 6PM for sample pickup.

(Your kit will be delivered here.)

3 of 7 steps in progress


Thank you for requesting a pick up. Our delivery executive will reach and collect the sample from your doorstep.


Your sample has been successfully picked up.


We have recieved your sample and have begun working on the report.

4 of 7 steps {{(vars.dashboard.currentInsightomeOrderState == 8)?"completed":"in progress"}}


Your sample quality has been found appropriate. Genetic Test will now be inititated


Genetic Test is currently under process


Your Genetic Test is completed and the report can be accessed by clicking below.

5 of 7 steps {{(vars.dashboard.currentInsightomeOrderState == 11)?"completed":"in progress"}}


You have reached the Genetic Counseling process. Kindly fill up your PFHI form and select a convinient time for your GC consultation

You have successfully booked your Genetic Counseling appointment

Your Genetic Counseling report is ready. Please check the report tab to access your report.

6 of 7 steps in progress


You have reached the Nutritional Counseling process. Select a convinient time for your NC consultation

Your Nutritional Counseling report is ready. Please check the report tab to access your report.

7 of 7 steps in progress

    2.Kit Dispatch
    3.Kit Activation
    4.Pick Up Request
    5.Genetic Testing
    6.Genetic Counseling
    7.Nutritional Counseling

Some steps are needed to be completed before proceeding to Genetic Test


Insightome evaluates your sample on Global Quality Parameters. Your sample quality has been found appropriate and shall now be utilized for performing the genetic test

5 of 7 steps in progress


Your DNA is run through a database of 6.5 lakhs scientifcally validated genetic markers to generate your Pregnancy Insightome Genetic test report. We will scan your sample on 111 pregnancy focused genes, 139 variants that are backed by 112 clinical publications to develop your Pregnancy Insightome Genetic Test report

5 of 7 steps in progress


Your personalised Insightome Pregnancy Test report that gives your valuable insights for a healthy pregnancy is ready. You would get to know valuable information that’s unique to your own pregnancy, fetal, infammation, endocrinal and nutritional aspects.

5 of 7 steps {{(vars.dashboard.currentInsightomeOrderState >= 11)?"in progress":"complete"}}

  • 1
    PFHI form
  • 2
    Genetic Consultation
  • 3
    Genetic Consultation Report

Some steps are needed to be completed before proceeding to Genetic Counseling


You need to fill out the PFHI (Personal and Family History Information) form. Your health is a result of your genetics, epigenetics and the environment. Some of the genetic traits may or may not trigger given that the epigenetics and the environment are favourable. PFHI helps us to identify and look closely into the traits that might affect your present health.

6 of 7 steps in progress


Let's find a convinient time for your Genetic Consultation.

Your slot for consultation is booked with

  • Consultant Name -

    {{(vars.dashboard.currentDoctor.display_name.length) ? vars.dashboard.currentDoctor.display_name : vars.dashboard.doctorInfo.display_name}}

  • Consultation Time -

    {{ humanDateTime(vars.dashboard.gc_consultation.schedule_date) }}

Consultant Name

{{(vars.dashboard.currentDoctor.display_name.length) ? vars.dashboard.currentDoctor.display_name : vars.dashboard.doctorInfo.display_name}}

Consultation Time

{{ humanDateTime(vars.dashboard.gc_consultation.schedule_date) }}

6 of 7 steps


Your genetic consultation report is under process. Check again in some time.

Your genetic consultation report is now ready.

6 of 7 steps {{(vars.dashboard.currentInsightomeOrderState == 16)?'completed':'in progress'}}

  • 1
    Nutritional Consultation
  • 2
    Nutritional Consultation Report

Some steps are needed to be completed before proceeding to Nutritional Counseling


Let's find a convinient time for your Nutritional Consultation.

Your slot for consultation is booked with

  • Consultant Name -

    {{(vars.dashboard.currentDoctor.display_name.length) ? vars.dashboard.currentDoctor.display_name : vars.dashboard.doctorInfo.display_name}}

  • Consultation Time -

    {{ humanDateTime(vars.dashboard.nc_consultation.schedule_date) }}

Consultant Name

{{(vars.dashboard.currentDoctor.display_name.length) ? vars.dashboard.currentDoctor.display_name : vars.dashboard.doctorInfo.display_name}}

Consultation Time


7 of 7 steps in progress


Your nutritional consultation report is under process. Check again in some time.

Your nutritional consultation report is now ready.

7 of 7 steps {{(vars.dashboard.currentInsightomeOrderState == 20)?'completed':'in progress'}}

  • Genetic Test

    {{(vars.dashboard.currentInsightomeOrderState >= 11)?'Released':'Not Ready'}}

  • Genetic Counseling

    {{(vars.dashboard.currentInsightomeOrderState >= 16)?'Released':'Not Ready'}}

  • Nutritional Counseling

    {{(vars.dashboard.currentInsightomeOrderState >= 20)?'Released':'Not Ready'}}

  • Genetic Test

    {{(vars.dashboard.currentInsightomeOrderState >= 11)?'Released':'Not Ready'}}

  • Genetic Counseling

    {{(vars.dashboard.currentInsightomeOrderState >= 16)?'Released':'Not Ready'}}

  • Nutritional Counseling

    {{(vars.dashboard.currentInsightomeOrderState >= 20)?'Released':'Not Ready'}}


Booking Details

  • Booking details
  • Proceed to checkout
  • Confirmation

Personal information / Contact details

Please enter a valid mobile number


Mobile Verification Pending

My age is 18 or above

Kindly check this age consent to verify your age before proceeding

By clicking the "Proceed to Checkout" button, I agree that I have read and understand the Insightome terms of services Insightome Terms of services

Kindly accept the Insightome terms of services before proceeding

35% complete





{{ humanReadableAmount(vars.payment.razorPay.amount) }}




{{ humanReadableAmount(vars.payment.razorPay.amount_due) }}

Reciept Id

{{ vars.payment.razorPay.receipt }}


{{ }}

{{ }}


  • Test


  • Price

    {{ humanReadableAmount(vars.payment.razorPay.amount) }}

  • Quantity


  • Amount

    {{ humanReadableAmount(vars.payment.razorPay.amount_due) }}

  • Reciept Id

    {{ vars.payment.razorPay.receipt }}

  • E-mail

    {{ }}

    {{ }}

70% complete


Your order has been successfully placed. Order Id - {{}}

100% complete